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How To Hire a Roofing Contractor

You know you need a new roof. Here are tips to follow and questions to ask to find the right one.

There's no way around it—roofs are expensive. But they are necessary, and you'd like to have the best to protect your home from the elements. So, if you're in the market for a new roof, it's time to get your research hat on so you can have informed conversations with roofing companies about getting your roof done.

We've laid out some tips and questions to help you find the right contractor for your job so you can be confident in your final choice.

Tip 1 - Use Your Network

There are likely plenty of roofing companies in your area that would gladly take on your project. To get a list of potential companies started, tap into your friends and family in the area to see who they've used. Be sure to ask them about their experience, as they will give you their unfiltered opinion. From there, you can look at each company on Google to get a more well-rounded view of the companies and read through reviews from other clients.

Tip 2 - Compare, Compare, Compare

You've got a list of companies that you've started to analyze. It may be tempting to go with the first company you like, but do your due diligence and vet them all. Dive into their websites to see what information and resources they have for homeowners. Read their "About Us" pages to learn about their experience—the more transparent they are, the better. You can also look up the company on the Better Business Bureau to check their records.

If you want to go above and beyond, create a spreadsheet with information about every company to compare each one at a glance. Once you've got at least 2-3 companies, it's time to schedule an evaluation.

Tip 3 - Get Your Homework Done

Before you have your evaluations with the roofing companies, make sure you have all of the information about your roof down pat: how old is it, has it ever had leaks or problems, who installed it, etc.

It's also a good idea to do some research on what it is you want and need in a new roof. For instance, if you've had leaking problems, learn about moisture defense systems so you can advocate for what you need instead of solely relying on the contractors for your information.

Tip 4 - Ask the Right Questions

Your meetings with these companies shouldn't be one-sided conversations. Have a list of questions ready to ask so you can be an active participant. We've listed a few below as a jumping-off point for you.

Legal Questions:

Estimation Questions:

Project Questions:

Going with your gut is good, but only once you've done all the groundwork and research to find the right roofing company. Preparing in advance will help you trust your gut when you're talking with each contractor so you can find the right one for the job.